How to book a court?

Booking a Court is easy! 

Head to and choose court hire.

1.  Scroll down and select your venue by clicking 'Book Your Court' on either Ambiwerra or Spring Hill

2.  You will now be taken to the mindbody booking page.

Make sure to select the correct date, the date can be changed in the top right hand corner of the booking sheet.

Then select the time you would like to play, simply click on the time and court you would like to book. Unavailable times will be blocked out in light or dark grey

Need help creating your Mindbody account? Click here for more information

4.   Confirm your booking details , here you can change the length of time you would like to book, please note that the minimum booking is 60mins.

Do NOT click the not available - this option is not available and clicking may mean your booking isn't secured

Members - free daytime booking is limited to 90mins, our system will ask for payment if you select a length of time longer than 90mins

5.  Click from the available pricing options

Please note that only members will receive the members price (members price is only available at Ambiwerra)

6.  Review your booking order and select check out

7.  Click 'Place Order' to complete your booking

8.  Go to the 'My Schedule' tab of your profile to confirm that your booking has been successfully secured

★ Please always go back to My Info >> "My Schedule" to make sure that your court / courts are booked properly

If booking multiple courts, please see this support page - book multiple courts or contact LifeTime Tennis directly on 3716 0077 and always check "My Schedule" to ensure your bookings are accurate.

Thank you

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